Hi, my name is Carmen and I work to humanize technology, and create services and products that are accessible and have a positive impact on people and society.
A Digital Building User Experience Playbook for Google REWS
An overview of the process for delivering digital buildings, alignment on strategic objectives, prioritized global use cases, and technology concepts that respond to user experience needs. One of the main goals for this work is to enable our client to fulfill their 2030 sustainability commitments.
Concept of Operations for a new NYC airport terminal
A framework for the concept of operations of an airport terminal redevelopment in NYC, outlining the major operational flows and providing information on location, procedures, personnel, and equipment in order to facilitate the training and understanding of the new facilities across various teams.
Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Workshop Materials and Guide
In a collaboration between ARUP and Engineers Without Borders, I designed and developed educational materials for a workshop in rural Guatemala to remind users of a new potable water system how to maintain hygiene and sanitation in their day-to-day through illustrative imagery.
A vision for a biotechnology innovation center
Developed the vision for a new Innovation Center for a therapeutics company that brings together research and development teams under one roof. This strategy serves to create an architectural design brief that is informed by the different types of user needs.
Productization tool for data center design
Requirements gathering and development of a digital tool for a data center company to standardize and productize the design of data center infrastructure.
Unheard, collecting the voices of people who have experienced the justice system
Commissioned by the Brooklyn Public Library, a collection of thirteen stories about the criminal justice system in New York that explore the first-hand impact of the system on individuals to reveal the human side of a punitive system.